Empty Your Mind, Discover the Real You
Empty Your Mind
Discover the Real You

The Way to Find
My True Self

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Why Do People

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Anxiety, worries about the future, stress from relationships – all of these thoughts and minds arise from the life I have lived.

By discarding your mind through our systematic subtraction meditation method, you will no longer waste time on useless thoughts and can focus on what is actually important.

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Exprerience Lasting Change
Through Discarding

Suppressing pictogram of suppressing
Subtracting pictogram of substracting
Calming your mind down may help temporarily,
but subtracting creates a lasting change.
Your mind will no longer fluctuate
even in difficult moments.

Stories from

Embrace the amazing journey of living truly

For 30 years, I practiced many other things but never had such a transformation. I’m so grateful.
Chantal Giller / Switzerland
smiling people of meditator 1
smiling man of meditator 2

It’s a supportive group of people

It will truly uplift your day, uplift your week. So come and join us!
Neal Clark / U.S.A

I finally know the meaning of my life

I am truly grateful for the peace that is planted and nurtured every day from within me.
Le Thi Nhat Linh / Vietnam
smiling people of meditator 3
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Stories from

smiling people of meditator 1 smiling man of meditator 2 smiling man of meditator 3

Embrace the amazing journey of living truly

For 30 years, I practiced many other things but never had such a transformation. I’m so grateful.
Chantal Giller / 66 / Switzerland

I finally know the meaning of my life

I am truly grateful for the peace that is planted and nurtured every day from within me.
Le Thi Nhat Linh / 40 / Vietnam

It’s a supportive group of beautiful people

it will truly uplift your day, uplift your week. So come and join us!
Neal Clark / 73 / U.S.A

Benefits of

people of meditation people of meditation

Benefits of

  • You will find your true self

  • You can become completely free from daily stress

  • You can escape yourself and find true freedom and happiness

  • You can appreciate small things in everyday life

  • You will feel practical, lasting changes in life

  • You focus improves as all kinds of floating thoughts and negative minds disappear

  • You become healthy as the stress disappears

Various Programs to
Support You

image for free consultation
Free Consultation
image for 1:1 meditation
1:1 Meditation
image for group meditation
Group Meditation
image for community

How to
Get Started

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Our expert meditation guides offer a free online consultation to explain how this method can change your life.

You can then sign up for a program that suits your schedule.
image of meditation people
image gallery about meditation center
Contact Us

Mon-Sun : 9am-9pm
(Closed on Friday)
icon for kakaotalk @meditationkorea
icon for email meditationinkorea@gmail.com